January 13, 2010

2010 - Day Thirteen
I spent the entire night on the phone catching up with people who I'd been playing phone tag with. This is what I learned. Amber's new phone tells her the time of dusk and she had to go while she had 26 minutes left of daylight. Angela's birthday is Friday, January 15, not January 13, which also happens to Martin Luther King Jr.'s actual birthday. Kacie just got back from Florida where her great grandmother just moved to an assisted living center where she can play bingo. Wendy is actually going to get a promotion and raise at her job this year, but apparently she'll have to take a test. And finally, Elle is settling in Busan, South Korea from which you can apparently take a ferry to Japan!

1 comment:

Angela Hogan said...

Lovely. Of course it would have been better if it was my picture :P