June 28, 2008

Day 180 - June 28, 2008

Last summer we made a list of things to do and very few of them actually were accomplished. In fact, I think I have done more of the oddball things I wanted to do in the last two weeks than I did all of last summer. One of these things being going to the Brooklyn Brewery in Williamsburg. It is a huge warehouse and they have tables and things set up for you to drink beer at. It basically looks like someone's garage and the atmosphere is pretty much like that as well. We wanted to make a huge tower, but as we started the bouncer told us that we couldn't do it, because it got people too worked up. However, we were still there around 6 PM when they were closing, so we built our pyramid then.

1 comment:

Carol Holtz said...

Did the six of you drink all the beer in your pyramid??
Love, Mom